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Visualization and Simulation


Metrica, Inc.

Metrica is a fully integrated set of data management, data analysis,data visualization, and application development tools designed to meetthe requirements of scientific and engineering applications. Thisdesktop of high-performance tools lets scientists and engineers turnlarge volumes of technical data into valuable information quickly andeasily. Metrica's high-speed relational database server stores data andserves the data to Metrica's fully-integrated analysis and graphicstools, and external files and systems. Metrica's primary functions areto:featuresMetrica databases and functionality can be wholly integrated into eachcustomer's unique application environment.To support these functions, Metrica includes:Metrica Database Server: This high-performance, multi-user relationaldatabase was developed specifically for technical data management.Advanced analysis libraries (with statistical, signal analysis, andmathematical functions) and a powerful technical query language areintegrated into the Metrica server.Most commercial databases hold a single data point as one record offield. However, the array has proven to be the most effective storageunit for many technical applications. At the heart of Metrica is astorage facility designed to handle large arrays with speed andflexibility. This facility can capture lengthy or continuous datastreams from tests and processes, and can store these large data sets assingle database items. By storing large data sets as arrays, processingspeed and efficiency is dramatically increased.Kingfisher: An X11-based graphical front-end lets users perform complexdata management and data analysis tasks, and display results in a widearray off technical graph types, through easy to use, point-and-clickchoices.The Kingfisher engineering analysis "desktop" contains a Query Window andDisplay Window. The Query Window offers instant access to Metricadatabases. Kingfisher Query functionality is tightly integrated with theDisplay Window, so the results can be viewed instantly. Query andDisplay features encourage exploratory data analysis; many views of datacan be browsed through in minutes.TSL: Metrica's 4GL tool, TSL, allows users to create custom applicationswith interfaces based on Motif or Open Look, so they can integrateMetrica functionality into specialized applications quickly and easily.Programmatic Interfaces: C, Fortran, and HP-BASIC interfaces allow usersto access Metrica's functionality from an underlying application, simplyand seamlessly.Metrica 4.1 provides users with a full range of tools for theirapplications. The intuitive graphical user interface makes data easilyaccessible, and TSL lets users rapidly create custom data in the formand format that is desired. With Metrica, technical data can bevisualized, making it more meaningful and usable.Hardware Platforms---Metrica runs on Unix workstations from Sun(TM),Hewlett Packard, IBM, Digital Equipment Corporation, and SiliconGraphics.

Language: C and FORTRAN
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.3,2.4,2.5

Metrica, Inc.
8 Winchester Pl
Winchester, MA 01890
Phone: (617) 756-0022
Fax: (617) 756-0023